This is a completely adorable matched trio - made up of a cup, saucer and side plate.
As you can see in my photographs all the pieces have a matching pattern.
It is a more unusual design featuring images of all the little boo-boos flying in a bi-plane or old aeroplane.
Let me describe the design on the side plate. We have in the centre a little girl with yellow bobbed hair - she is flying a little antique aeroplane. Three little Boo Boo pixies are seated behind and another three have bailed out and are seen floating towards the ground with little parachutes. A large Boo Boo sits on the lower wing and watches the scene.
Variations of this design appear on each piece.
CONDITION: The little side plate and saucer are in damage free condition with clear images and no loss tot he images etc. Sadly, the little cup as a fine hairline crack - which I have taken a few images of in extreme close up. The hairline is more obvious on the interior - so this set is probably best as a display set for your china cabinet, rather than for daily used. I would imagine that the crack could be bleached a little to reduce the discolouration on the inside. Such a shame - as apart from that there are no other issues with any of the pieces. This is reflected in my lowered asking price for this wee set (if perfect I would have been looking at £65 for the set).
There are the following words on each: I took some fairies in my plane / Some wanted to go down again / The had a different kind of ride / with parachutes all open wide.
Each piece as the 1930s Shelley backstamp on each piece.
The set measures as follows:
Side plate has a diameter of just over 6 3/4 inches.
The saucer has a diameter of 5 1/2 inches.
The cup is 2 3/4 inches in height and with a diameter at the top 2 3/4 inches.