The Ren & Stimpy Show is an American animated television series created by John Kricfalusi for Nickelodeon.
The series follows the adventures of title characters Ren, an emotionally unstable chihuahua, and Stimpy, a good-natured, but dimwitted cat. It premiered on August 11, 1991. It received mixed reviews during its original run then later widespread critical acclaim and has since then developed a cult following.
This is a cute little plush doll of Ren, from Nickelodeon's animated cartoon series.
He has a soft tan plush body. His ears have bright pink insides and he has a red nose and bulbous plastic eyes. He even has three straggly plastic hairs on the top of his head. He is dressed in red Dr Dentons-style pajamas with two little buttons on the closure at the back.
This item was made by Dakin in 1992. He measures about 8 inches in height.
These little TV tie-in dolls are now hard to find.
My Ren Doll is in excellent condition with no damages and is nice and clean.
- and my price is a fair one for this strange little fellow.