This lovely large piece of Art Pottery has been in my own personal collection for nearly 20 years now - I have always loved it as the glazes on the interior and the lovely shape were just so attractive.
I have never really been sure who made this - but always thought that it was Scandinavian in origin. There is no signature on the base - but the rough texture to the base reminds me a little of pieces by Arnold Wiigs Fabrikker. I have a couple of pieces by him in my store signed roughly AWF and the texture reminds me of this work - especially on his signed footed bowl.
You would really have to make up your own mind on my suggested attribution.
Regardless of signature - it is a fabulous old piece of Art Pottery and a large piece that would look amazing on display on a Scandi-Modern coffee table or bureau. How, wonderful it would look at Christmas full of clementines and tangerines - their orange colour and shape set against the rich dark blues on the bowl.
The bowl is decorated with a highly reflective dark blue glaze with a more matt finished turquoise glaze around the rim - the spots all over the surface are created by parts of the glaze being removed before firing and the turquoise matt underglaze and main body colour of the clay coming through - so it also has a nice tactile texture.
Underneath - you have a dark grey-olive grey streaky glaze that allows the grainy texture of the clay to show through. A dark ringed foot to keep the bowl from rocking on display - there appear to be wee nibbles to this - but think that this is in the making - as I have not moved this about in my house for many years (apart of dust it of course!).
It is nice and clean - no scratches or disfiguring issues.
It will be a sad parting of ways - but deciding to start sorting out a few larger size treasures from my house.
A stunning big Scandinavian Studio or Art Pottery Bowl from the 1960s (or perhaps early 1970s). Rare chance to acquire a unique piece - I can't find another like it.
Dimensions: 12 1/4 inches (31 cm) in diameter and overall height is 3 1/2 inches. Bit of a stonker - weighs 1.7 kg unpacked.
It will have to be sent to UK addresses only with Parcelforce48 - which works out about £10.